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Showing posts from August, 2017


So after my small success at the Eton Dorney Olympic Triathlon I was going into my last 3 weeks on a bit of a high.  I rather cleverly booked off work 21st August - 11th September to really aide in my final preparations before the big day. This was for two reasons, I had a submission deadline for my MSc Dissertation on the 4th of September and I needed to sort out all the logistics for getting myself/family & friends to Wales on the 10th of September. Triathlons in general require a lot of admin. IRONMAN races are next level!!! For the 3 weeks I had left, only one more week was planned with early starts and high volume. I was going to finish my training off with long ride and long run on the 19/20th of August respectively and then head into my taper feeling a million dollars. That was the plan...  As for the long ride and run, I planned a 150km ride on the 19th and 30km run on the 20th. Up until this point my longest ride in the programme had been abou...

- Eton Dorney - Race Report

August 2017 Swim – 13 times Cycle – 13 times Run – 10 times Total time 39 hours Total Distance 741km At the start of August I had entered another 10km run, this time @ Regents Park. I did this run purely for the medal…. It was shaped like the London Underground logo. I also managed to drag a friends along for the event, she ended up smashing a 10km PB!! I managed to also secure another PB for the 10km distance. However, it came at a cost: as soon as I stopped running my left knee was in pain. Unlike previous running pain this pain continued on for a few days and I very quickly become worried about my chances of completing a marathon in 5 weeks!! For the next 7 days I didn’t run at all and instead focused on cycling and preparing for the Eton Dorney Olympic distance race. Now at this point I made a promise to myself, I’m not going to chase a PB in this race and if I’m in pain at all on the run I will either withdraw or walk to finish. Instea...

My Triathlon Journey