The gang (minus my Mother and Simon) Hmmmmmm similar to my new American bestie (Justin Lippert) i'm not really sure where to start with this and/or if I really even want to write it down and hit the publish button. The caveat at the start is - there is probably going to be a lot of be sounding ungrateful followed by moaning about how I didn't have the perfect or a good race. I suggest if this will annoy you or P*** you off then stop reading now. Pre race (Thursday - Saturday) I travelled up to Bolton solo on Thursday, I then had friends and family arriving on Friday/Saturday for the big day. Joe Spraggins is probably going to get name checked more than most in this blog but his drive slightly hungover from deepest Kent to Bolton on Saturday highlighted the lengths my close friends were willing to go to. I felt really fresh, relaxed and calm before the race. I was itching to get going and the pre race admin was now 2nd nature which for an IM event is great. M...
I challenge anyone to enter an endurance event and not let it change your lifestyle....